Many of us have been blessed with a mother whether it is our biological, adoptive, step, or mothering figure we are lucky to have them in our lives. In honor of Mother’s Day we wanted to host a special event! Keep in mind that this is not only for readings from Mothers. Thomas will be providing messages to whoeever comes through to him.
This event is to honor mothers but offering a special event that has a increased in duration than the average event. This means that the event will consist of only a 1/5th of his usual gallery reading events! (increasing your chance to be read) .
Lastly, we have discounted this event from $60 to $35.00
During this special event, Thomas John will deliver messages from Spirit from Loved Ones to as many online attendees as he can. Whether you or someone else receive a message, it is amazing to witness John channeling and delivering messages from spirits from the Other Side.
*** By purchasing this ticket your are NOT guaranteed a reading by Thomas