Join Thomas for a 5-hour intimate online Psychic Remodel event as he works with a small group of six (through Zoom).
Using his healing, intuitive, psychic and mediumship abilities,
Thomas will help you regain control of your life.
The Psychic Remodel will help you:
Deepen relationships and friendships in your life that are important and crucial
Perform efficiently and clearly in your personal life
Get the “fire” back that you have been missing
Gain control over your money, career and financial decisions
Get your “blocked” energy flowing again
Obtain absolute clarity regarding your path in life
Promote emotional well-being
Empower your choices to manifest the changes you seek in all areas of your life!
The Full Day Experience Includes:
A diagnostic evaluation of your current spiritual,
emotional and mental well-being
Multiple healing and energy exercises that
will be practiced in the class
A series of techniques to help block out negative energy that create blocks in your life
Metaphysical experts that will give you consultation during the group in a break-out room
One follow-up email 30 days after the event is completed
A private reading with Thomas
A recording of the group event
This is a perfect way to get your life on track