2024 Holiday Package ( 8 Items)


21 in stock


We all want that special gift for our loved one or close friend.

Each year we create the perfect holiday gift bundle filled with amazing goodies. We curated the perfect bundle (total of 8 items) for your loved with filled with amazing online events and physical spiritual products (so you have something to wrap up for your special someone). This bundle is valued at over $240 but we are selling it for more than half off at $89.

This package includes free shipping for all US orders!!

**This package will be shipped out by December 6th, 2024 

How this works:
Package will be sent to address used in the order and will be sent out by 12/6/24.
The package will include the physical items along with flyers for the online events so the gift receiver will see they have access to those events as well.


Date of Event: JAN. 27, 2025 / 9 – 10PM ET

This 60 minute online gallery reading event will only be for individuals who purchased a holiday package. That being said, the size of the audience will be much LESS than our usual event – giving you a higher chance of receiving a reading.

During this special event Thomas will provide messages from your Loved Ones on the Other Side to as many audience members as he can. He will start of the event with a brief mediation to help provide audience members with an open and spiritual mind-set.

**You are NOT guarantee a message in this event. A recording of this event will be emailed to all attendees a few days after the event


Date of Event: FEB. 19TH, 2025⋅/ 9 – 10:30PM ET

During this special event, Thomas John will deliver PSYCHIC messages to as many online attendees as he can! This event is completed live virutally on zoom.

Whether you or someone else receives a message, it is amazing to witness John’s psychic abilities and messages.

This special event will be psychic messages only. No mediumship readings will be given

Thomas will choose attendees by random. You will have the opportunity to ask a psychic question regarding anything including: Future, Love, Guidance, Work, Children, Marriage, Relationship, Family, Finance, Spirit Guide, ETC

3. Free Access to NEW YEARS DAY COURSE 2025

Date of Event: JAN. 1ST, 2025 / 1 – 4PM ET

Celebrate the New Year with Medium Thomas John (literally January 1st)

During this 3-hour zoom meeting, Thomas will discuss his 2025 predictions.

This will include predictions in the areas of culture, celebrities, politics, science, technology, world events, US / International events, economics, and weather.
Thomas will also give you tips on how to make 2025 a wonderful year
BONUS:  Thomas will also be providing live readings on this call for attendees at random!!

4. Signed Copy of Thomas’ Book NEver Argue with a Dead Person

In this book, John shares with us fifteen fascinating stories of what happens when clients ask him to contact their dead friends and relatives. Included here are the story of a 30-something New Yorker who was unable to stop fantasizing about suicide until he conveys healing words from her dead fiancĂ©; an account of an encounter with a grieving young woman in a drugstore–and the message he conveys from her dead six-year-old son; and a disturbing story of an unsolved murder case solved by information he received from the other side.
** please note that the book will be signed by Thomas John but will not be personalized.
5.  A set of mediation Chakra Stones

Chakra stones are healing crystals that have a specific vibration and color. All of the chakras have specific colors that can be used to heal them, as well as specific sound vibrations.

These stones are thought to stimulate different chakras, or energy wheels located on the spine, that are tied to physical and emotional bodily issues. To use chakra stones effectively, meditate with them, lay them on your body, and develop an understanding of the different chakras.

Thomas will vibrationally cleanse each set before shipping!

6.  Thomas John’s Channeled Messages! 

Thomas has channeled messages from Angels and is sharing them with you! Read them often to gain insight and positivity in your life. These are angelic messages that are meant to uplift you and help you truly believe that angels are with us and help us in many ways. Perhaps after reading these messages, showing gratitude and believing,you will start to hear messages from your own angels. Don’t forget, you can also see angels in your dreams and visions by invoking your own angels. These messages will be printed out for you an added to your physical products of the holiday package  that will be mailed out. 


Thomas will mediate on your name and select a manifestation card for you to use throughout the year. Whether you include it within your daily mediation or you state it to yourself a few times a day. Perfect to do with you jade stone too!



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